Monday, November 19, 2012


Currently my laptop is a sushi roll!
Water was accidently spilt into it and now its bathing in rice in the hope that "one day" it may turn on again! Without it I am slightly scattered and not so organised to blog about things.
BUT on the upside, I realise I can get on with alot of things without. I am thankful that my life can exist without a computer. Dont get me wrong, I love technology, computers phones etc but The time to just read some books has been nice.

And yes I cant wait to get a new one!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fabric challenge update - mix match quilt

I think officially, my challenge is over, but I haven't shown you everything I've made.
I cut lots of charm squares from random materials to mix together in some lap quilts for gifts.

I really enjoyed making these and they did manage to use up some of my stash, though I am amazed how much I could make from so little. I also realised I must buy so randomly as I found it hard to match up materials together without buying new stuff. I think I will purchase more carefully now.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I quilted it

I took the plunge. I quilted the baby quilt.

The more I worked on it, the more I loved it.
Was nice actually, as I wasn't that keen on it at the beginning but now I love how it has turned out.

I decided to only quilt half of the triangles.
It wasn't alot, but it was rather effective and really pulled the front and back together, so they flowed.

 I finished the edge in plain white which balanced the quilt, quite soft and pretty.
Its maybe more busy than I would love but I love it all the same and glad it came together so nicely.

I have a few quilts in mind that I would like to attempt next, when the time is right.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

One step, then another

He has made his first steps, all by himself.

I cant believe how excited I am. I cant stop smiling and telling everyone. Did you hear? my boy took some steps!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Legally Blonde - The musical

Oh My God, Oh my god you guys!
Who loves a musical? I DO.
So when my friend offered me two tickets to the opening night I jumped across the table at her and said I'd Love them!
AND I took my girl to her first musical, Legally Blonde The musical.

We got all dressed up. It was very exciting. Our seats were in the dress circle and we were bang in the middle, a great view of the performance.
The lead - Lucy Durack was sensational. The music was very catchy and we are still singing and dancing to it (we downloaded the soundtrack) 
It was such a fun evening, just what I thought it would be. My girl Loved it and is keen to go back for more. 
While I was a bit of a party pooper and would not spend $40 on a stuffed dog in a bag or a tshirt or anything else on the promotional stand, I did buy my girl quite a fancy drink at half time
It was very Elle Woods!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Fabric challenge update - Day ??!

I know I know... I have been slack with the updates BUT (and it is a big but) I have been very good with the challenge and my stash is (well was!) being used and not added to.
I was making presents for people, and I started to get adventurous (slightly!) with what I could make, which is what I have been so keen to do. I started to make things with my scraps, but it went a bit too far and I wasn't breaking the surface of my stash because I was using up scraps!
I decided to have a little destash on ebay and then I ended up booking a stall at a local school mini fete - my FIRST ever market stand. Exciting.
The sewing machine has had a workout and the stock piled up.

AND then I cracked and bought new fabric!!!! I needed it of course!

It was a great feeling to have to use up what I had and made me look with a new view but sometimes you just need another piece of fabric. And it has continued as I received more fabric in the mail today!!!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

a skirt for church and shorts for everyday

It has been over a week since I have turned my machine on. Maybe two weeks if you dont count the small moment I wound the bobbin on and sewed up the 10cm of the backing quilt. Your right that doesn't count. So its been two weeks then.
And before that its been a while since I have made something for my littlies.

The little master had a 2 hour sleep yesterday. Are you still reading this or did you fall over?! I KNOW 2 hours is just what he and I needed. Into the 2nd hour and I thought I would push my luck and turn on the machine and I put together some quick shorts for him. He is growing so quickly - already out of the other pair I made him and with the weather becooming so warm he really needs them.

Cute aren't they. And so quick. Really quick. I even got to start on a skirt for my girl before he had woken - I was on a roll!
My girl is doing her first communion and today we needed to present her to the church community in preparation for it, I thought a new skirt for church was just what she needed.

Its really sweet isn't it, just like her.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


TIRED. I am.
Like a Zombie, though a few days late for Haloween - just missed it!

But when you wake to this cute face you cant be cranky, just tired.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Rainbow Layer Cake - EGG FREE version

The How-To

The Recipe - Basic Vanilla Cake

2 and 1/2 cups of plain flour
1 and 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 and 3/4 cups of sugar
250g butter (melted - I think this is the key to the great cake)
1 and 1/2 cups of milk
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence/extract
red, blue and yellow colouring
NO EGGS! The receipe actually has 4 eggs But I just LEFT them OUT!

Vanilla Butter Icing

250g butter
2 cups of icing sugar sifted
1 teaspoon vanilla essence/extract

I used two quantities of the basic vanilla cake and one and a half quantities of the Icing. 
I have three round cake tins, so made three cakes from one quantity of cake mix.

Preheat oven to 160 degrees C
I started with the first quantity of cake mixture 
Place all the cake ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix until well combined.
I have an electric mixer which was perfect, but it could be done by hand, just give it a really good mix. 
While its mixing I greased and lined my three round cake tins. 
They are standard size - I think about 20cm tins.
I seperated the mixture equally between three bowls to colour each batch then put them into the cake tins which I had lined properly - cut out circles of baking paper, greased the base and laid the circles. Then cut strips, greased the sides of the tins and laid the paper around the sides. This made the cakes presentation that much better and no need for evening up the cakes or trimming them as they came out already so beautiful. Lining the tins this way was tedious and took the most time of the whole process! BUT it was worth it.
I made the red, yellow and blue cakes first as there was no colour mixing and I baked two cakes on the top rack and one below. My cakes took about 30 - 35 minutes. They browned slightly and I could tell they were ready with a skewer test and they had shrunk slightly from the sides - you know what I mean
I left them in the tins to cool on a rack before taking them out. Dont rush to take them out, or they could crumble and split. Tread carefully

To mix the other three I added small amount of darkest colour and touch more of the lighter. So for orange - a smidge of red and a dash of yellow and mix. Green - smidge of blue and dash of yellow. Purple is a little tricky smidge of blue and dash of red and see how it goes.

I baked the cakes the night before and stored them seperated by baking paper in airtight cake tins.
The next morning I mixed the icing - put a smidge on the base of my cake tray and laid the purple cake first, then a thin layer of icing then next cake till all cakes are on and finished with a fine layer on the red cake then put it into the fridge for about an hour before putting the final layer of icing over the complete cake. This step helps the final layer go in place easier.

I still cant believe it all worked so well and tasted delicious.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Quilting dilemna

Help Help
I decided to give pinwheels a go. Using charm square size squares it was actually very easy.
I found a quick and easy tutorial here
Mine were not 100% perfect but it still looks good, the yellow softly coordinates it all.
Im thinking of binding with plain white. Simple and sweet.

And I added a little strip at the back which is cute too.

BUT I cant decide how to quilt it together????
I cant wait to get back to the sewing machine and finish it.
Should I quilt in the triangles? do squares? free motion? Oh my!
What do you suggest??

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Making an effort

Is it just me or do others struggle to stay organised?
My mind has such a complicated way of organising things that is so unorganised!!
I write lists, then I write them again - like I'm reminding myself but really I am just wasting time I think.

I have found staying organised is something I really need to work at. After borrowing those books from the library the other month,  I found some new ways to stay organised and it really seemed to work for me - for a moment anyway. But I find myself making more lists over lists and realise I have fallen back into an unorganised state and I need to revisit those wise words I read and really focus on them and what I need to do to stay on track and get the most out of my day.

I dont think I waste away the day, but really think I could get more out of it and beat myself up about it.
On the other hand I also cherish the relaxed life that my days are filled with (when you really think about it) I can not complain. Busying myself with kids and household duties is not really the stressful life. BUT  I still think no matter what you do, being organised can make a big difference.

Its not that Im unorganised actually, more that I go the long way about to being organised. My processes are quite scattered and can be time consuming.

I do believe a busy person always seems to be able to fit more in their day, the busier you are the more you can take on. Maybe the easier it is to be organised when you have to be?
 I think its a personality trait too! And maybe a mix of loving it too.

So here I go.... getting focused on being time management sophisticated now!

Friday, October 26, 2012

It was a First

Our little man is a BIG 1 already!
Oh what a fun little person he is. Such a bright button and full of spark.
He makes me smile everyday.

We had a little backyard get-to-gether with our family and close friends, drinks and nibbles and of course a cake.
But not just any cake, a six layer rainbow cake  (egg-free of course)

It looks so good with all the colours and it tasted really good too.
I was quite proud of my efforts.
I used a basic vanilla cake receipe from Donna Hay Magazine and just left out the 4 eggs of each batch. Thats right, just LEFT them OUT! The cake was dense and moist, not crumbly, and everyone enjoyed it alot. I made the effort of lining the cake tins properly, which really makes a big difference in presentation. I didn't need to trim the cakes at all. 
Stay tuned for the How to

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Im a backer!

Im a backer! 

I couldn't resist but to donate towards this project, Morgans project .
Morgans blog was one of the first blogs I started reading in my introduction to blogs and I'm still an avid follower. I was first taken with her pictures and then her words.
Im so excited for her and cant wait to see her new adventure unfold - especially knowing I was able to help .... Exciting

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cooking class

Check out these desserts... and they are just the beginning of the 6 desserts we made!
Yes, I took a cooking class. What fun.
It was a gift for my birthday and I really enjoyed it.  

I have not eaten so much egg in a really long time! I was really hoping to get some egg free ideas/substitutes though the chef was completely thrown about the idea of not using eggs - which made me quite proud of my ability to continually try new things without eggs and successfully I might add!

The chocolate fondant has egg in it and while I thought I may be able to make a cream mouse to substitute the egg I have not tried it as yet as the egg version is AMAZING. Sorry kids!
Have you tried Fondant before? Its very chocolately and very delicious.
its a gooey lava cake. Looks like a mini choclate cake/pudding and when you break it open a runny hot chocolate sauce comes flowing out. Very rich, so the size is small but perfect.
I have made it a couple of times and 5 g of flour is tricky to measure, I think I need to use a little more flour for less goo but it still gets eaten every time. I am also still so surprised how quick and easy it is. It does need chilling time, which you may argue is not quick but you can put it in the freezer to speed this up and really overall it is small preparation for something a little bit fancy.

Worth a try :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Too much stuff or not enough space?

Which one is it?
Along with not enough time or too much to do!
I have a bunch of things in my head I would love to do, spring cleaning overhaul, christmas lists, homework with the kids, sewing sewing sewing, reading books, creating a visionboard and some baking to name a few!

I decided to finally start spring cleaning today. I started with my sewing/study. We need a multifunctional area in what is a 3x2m room! I decided to start with my scrap basket and today some scraps became just scraps, no hope of anything left in them and out the door they went. Felt good.
Then I moved the desks around and swept. progress. Then a cup of tea :)

As i was planning for the use of the space to help me better prepare it I started to wonder if we really need all this stuff so therefore do need more space, or do we just need to let go of the overflow of things we have and use our space more wisely. I'm still wondering.... I know my daughter would argue we just need more space and dont dare get rid of anything of hers! but please can we not move Mummy!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hello Spring

Thank goodness Spring is here - Hello I love you Spring!
The warmer weather has motivated us to get moving and spending lots of time outside.
It has also motivated us all to read more.

I have been considering my spring palette and also making more clothes this year. 
I decided to re-look over the book I bought last summer on sewing clothes for kids.
Im thinking about trying something with sleeves!

I've also decided to try and be more organised with my time. 
I am loving reading this book by Duncan Bannatyne. Its a great fast read and I have really gotten alot out of it. AND my day is actually more organised. Its actually helped.
Now to spring clean a little!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Our class art

Its that time again.... schools major fundraiser, And here is our contribution.
The class have been learning about insects so inline with this topic we got each child to draw their own insect.  See the red ant - 2nd row down, 4th along....Thats ours.
I enjoyed being in the classroom doing art with the kids. 
much better than reading groups, which I retired from this term. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

My own Caramel Slice

Finally I had some success making my own caramel slice.
I have attempted to make it a few times with no success - usually the base is bad and the caramel never sets. I decided to make my own version using different parts from different recipes - a caramel I had tried for a biscuit topping that worked for me and I used the biscuit base from the wagon wheel slice (YUM) and IT WORKED!
Was extremely delicious and didn't last long!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Summer House Quilt

I wanted to give my bridesmaid something special for all her support as a friend in life and on my day. What could be more special than a quilt made with love!
Its Finished and I Love it. She loves it too. 

I love this collection of material. 
I also love the backing fabric but ran short so added a special square which gives it that extra special finish!

The denim edging and the white material make the beautiful colours of the summerhouse collection pop.  I am keen to grab more of this collection for something else. The colours are so vibrant. I saw a skirt the other day that was made of lots of individual pieces of material and I would love to make something fun like that using this fun collection. Or maybe in some retro material? we will see!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Easiest Chocolate Cake ever - Egg free

It was just me and the baby on the weekend, a quiet house! A lovely neighbour came and made me dinner, Homemade cannelloni. Totally homemade. It was delicious.

 I decided to do a little baking myself. I made a banana and passionfruit cake to have with my cups of tea, chocolate fondants for dessert and a quick chocolate cake for lunch boxes this week.

It is the easiest cake to make. It really is.
I didnt even use my mixer, just stirred it with a spoon.

I found the recipe in a Kids Donna Hay Magazine, on an advertorial for some icing. It was for petite cupcakes. I kind of tweeked it. Or maybe you could say I gave it my own spin - including omitting icing as its delicious on its own. It was for cupcakes but I put it in a small round cake tin, I left out the egg, added more butter, added a tablespoon of cocoa powder to make it chocolate flavoured and it didn't last long! Its consistency reminds me of a pound cake. Its not crumbly but moist, and I think a nice manageable size. Good flavour, not too sweet. Perfect for little people!
Next time I am going to make two and cut up the second one into morning tea portions and freeze them. Try it:

1 & 1/4 cups plain flour 
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 cups of sugar
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
150g butter melted 
3/4 cup of milk
 dash of vanilla essence

Preheat oven to 170 degrees C
I greased and floured a easy liftout round pan but you could use baking paper
Sifted all dry ingredients into a bowl (flour, baking powder, sugar and cocoa)
then added wet ingredients (melted butter, milk and essence) and mixed them all together with a spoon then tip into the pan and bake for 20 minutes.
I left it in the pan to cool, but I love a warm piece of cake so not for too long.
Too easy!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Goodbyes are hard

The end of June brought a move for my brother to the states. Farewells are hard.

We got to look after his pooch for a few weeks till his flight to join his family in their big move and saying goodbye to him was hard too. 
Maybe Santa might give us a puppy for christmas!!