Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Becoming a big boy

Can you believe my baby has graduated from preschool! He was singing all the way in the car to the end of year concert. So nice to see him enthusiastic and smiling. We are excited about big school, got the uniform orgainsed, completed orientation but Im still not sure if I am ready!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Another quilt and some other little pretties

I finally finished another quilt for little Evie.
Isnt it so special, so girlie and sweet. I LOVE the ballerina material and it teams so perfectly with the pink material that I also love. I have had that in my stash for a couple of years not knowing what it was perfect for. Who knew it was meant for my nieces quilt. 

After I had finished I couldnt resist making her a little something else.

and a matching bib of course, the waffle cotton is gorgeous.

And I also had some inspiration to make a few more bags as thankyous for two lovely ladies I know.
I love this colour combination. I hope they like them.

I really enjoy making the bags.
 Next I think I will try out a clutch purse, though I am still searching for some matching material to a fabric I want to use.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


My last assignment....tick
Can you believe my year of study, my creative endeavour, the moment the magic starts... has come to an end. I'm not sure if I have digested this yet.

It was the beginning of my next chapter, and the path I had been waiting for, just when the timing was right. I can describe it as a rollercoaster, but not your usual flowing up and down type but more the "Demon" type - you know the one from Australia's Wonderland (which was afterwards relocated to a QLD theme park when it closed its doors). The start is timid, and you slowly raise up and up, going higher and steeper and higher and steeper until you have reached such a peak and with an almighty breath taking flash you are suddenly descending at the most rapid speed to then loop the loop and raise up once again.
The analogy is totally fitting for me I think as I am not a fan of amusements rides per say. Dont get me wrong I like a thrill, but I find I am overly selective about which thrill I ride and usually stick with the same favourites. For some reason I was taken by the Demon and had to ride it... even a few times over!
Did I enjoy it? More than I realise I think. There were big smiles, revelations, tears, doubts and Colour!

I learned so much about designing and colour but I also learned to see the world with a new perspective.  I have also realised to make a change you need to think differently to act differently to create the change.

Thankfully I ended with a big SMILE. I loved my last assignment and even finished it early!
My colour style book, The art of Tea

and to distract the class from me shaking while I was presenting it, I presented them with a cup of tea to enjoy the experience!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The sweetest corner

With a little help from my two helpers we have some decorations for this corner of the kitchen. I let them do it all themselves, just showed them what to use and I think they did such a great job. It looks sweet! But I think maybe we need just one more jar to fill the gap behind, could be smarties or skittles or jelly beans hmmm...... the choices.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

its beginning to look a lot like christmas

 My first christmas sewing. I fell in love with this christmas material in store and so did one of my friends who ordered these ever so cute christmas outfits for her nieces. I cant wait to see a picture of them all dressed together.

I have also nearly finished my advent calendar. Since we no longer have stairs I had to rethink the paper bag calendar. Hmmm..... what next to create. Sew one of course! All I have left is to number each stocking and fill them.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Ironing ...pftt

Ironing. I have NEVER liked it.
I have always avoided it any chance I get. Its hot and steamy and not a pleasant task and to tell you the truth I am just not that good at it.
I have tried my hand at mens shirts for love but it has never ended well! and I do give the school uniform a little press if absolutely necessary, but still its never completely wrinkle free.

But a strange thing has happened.... as you know I love to sew and to do it correctly you must iron everything! AND I actually dont mind this!! Yes, the iron is still hot and steamy but it makes my sewing so much nicer and easier too. I have learned a few things... the iron works so much better if you put water in it, and if you dont have the steam too high the water lasts longer.

So for now The iron and I will remain partners!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Our time

Isn't she gorgeous. We spent two lovely hours alone. Her sleeping and I was a very good girl, doing my homework. When Mum and Dad got home she woke up and we got to play for a bit. I even read to her some pages from Alice In Wonderland (one of my ALL time favourites).
I had forgotten how regular the nappy changes are and just the difference of having a baby to some little children. I love every stage, they are so beautiful.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Another frill!

I decided to get creative for my sister-in-laws birthday. And I am quite pleased with the outcome. And hopefully so was she! I added a little handle, an inside pocket and of course a frill.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Guess What?

On saturday I am going to sit with my new wee little neice, just her and Me (and hercules too) while her Mum and Dad have some time together. YIPPPEEEE. I am so excited.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Surprise Package

We arrived home the other afternoon to a box at the front door. The excitement of a parcel for us was high. It was light, but big! We raced in, the anticipation rising while I put my things down so I could attempt to open it. HOLD ON just enough time to get an iceblock from the freezer cause it was such a hot day! Ok now ready for the opening.

Lucky for us it was......

Cereals from Freedom foods. 3 boxes! Coco puffs, Tropicos and Rice puffs.
We have made little sample bags to give to friends to try out too, but the overwhelming opinion under this roof is thumbs up. Coops had three bowls of cereal this morning! 
The best thing is the cereals are NATURALLY flavoured and coloured, they have a lot less sugar and salt than their competition AND are Gluten, Wheat and Nut FREE, so three bowls of goodness is not a worry....keeping up with his appetite is!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Who needs a bedroom when you can sleep in the loungeroom!

 We celebrated Pops birthday with a wonderful family roast dinner. Lots of food, laughs and a few games of our favourite card game uno. 

Pop was having a sleepover, so the kids thought it would be wonderful to join him.
Our new lounge is perfect for the occassion being modular,easy to push together for little people and it was wonderful, with the highlight of waking up and turning on the tele without leaving bed!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Miss Fashion

We have not been to a party in a little while. Just to make up for this we had received three party invites for the weekend just gone! Luckily they were well spread out to not miss any fun and I even got to go out with the girls for a tapas dinner (though that story requires a whole other blog!)
Despite the rain we awoke to, the first party saturday morning was alot of fun. The kids really enjoyed themselves and we stayed to help clean up then headed home for a relax till the next party which was a disco theme starting in 3 & a half hours.
We organised a little lunch and then discussed disco outfits. My daughter was adament I should make her a disco dress. While my head started to spin at the thought of attempting this in such short notice I couldnt help but feel so excited that she really wanted me to make her outfit - I couldnt resist. I know it wont be this way forever so it was a challenge I was willing to take on.

We raced into the sewing quarters and chose some disco designs and I expressed that a dress would be achievable like the heart material one I had made previously for her and Serena. She looked at me concerned.
"But of course I will Frill it up for you" I said. This striked a smile and off she ran to leave me to it.

Well it took me the three hours with the cutting, baste stitching, pinning, stitching, thinking, unpicking basting stitching, ironing, threading, bias making and frilling!

Finally the fitting. She was in front of the mirror for a long time, not moving holding the frills. Something wasn't right. I assured her it was ok if it wasnt quite what she wanted. Bless her, she told me it was wonderful but maybe a little big as she pulled it in tighter around her! So we made a quick decision to add a belt and the disco diva was ready to go.

The party was a rocking good time complete with DJ, perfect for the disco dress!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Beach Day

 What a beautiful day after all the rain we have had. 
After 5 loads of washing hung on the line, a birthday party and a playdate we ventured to the beach to play in the sand and soak up the sun.
It was a beautiful family afternoon.We made sandcastles, found jelly blubbas, shells and even a star fish.
I even did some homework, with a quick flick through a few magazines for my last assignment.
I love the beach and am looking forward to may afternoons there this summer.

Monday, November 1, 2010

newest creations

Presents and Presents

A little Colour on the go - a gift for one of my girls friend, its her party this weekend and I thought this would be a fun gift. It took a little longer than I thought and the first time I cut the material for the textas to the wrong size, while having a mind block! But got there in the end and I thought it was very cute in the end. The best bit was my girl thought it was really cool and has put in a request for her upcoming birthday. Smiles.

Then I thought I would make a cute little dress for my new niece. I used the cabbage patch pattern I made the other weekend but thought it needed something so gave some pants a go. 
They were quite fiddly being small and I used my girls knickers as a guide and just altered the sizing of the leg parts. I still dont know if the sizing is right but am extremely excited to give it to her to find out. Worst case, her cabbage patch will be well dressed!!