Have you seen the ad where the girl loves wearing her whites but is afraid to as the more she washes them the greyer they get so she covers up with napkins so she can wash less?
This really got me thinking as I wash after every wear, never considered wearing a few times before washing.
Am I an excessive washer?!
My sons school uniform is a white polo top... a scary thought! It hasn't been too bad till the weather turned and the puddles became irresistable and the shirt came home black. I am not even thinking about the winter uniform, Long sleeved white polo... I can just see the black cuffs now!!
Do you wash after every wear or is it ok to wear a few times before washing???
Well I haven't seen the ad, but how weird is this. I'm more than happy to wear and re-wear my clothes on multiple occasions but I always wash the kids clothes after one wear. Is that just a habit left over from those icky sticky toddler years where children treated their clothes like permanent hand-towels and wiped everything from left over food to bodily fluids on themselves? Jo.