My little master certainly enjoyed his first year at school. And it was a very proud moment when he received a gold medalion at the end of year assembly for his academic achievements.
He was lucky to have a beautiful teacher.
He told her the other day he was really going to miss her when he went into year 1 - So sweet.
I am also so very proud of the way in which he has made friends with everyone in class.
This has been evident in all the cards, gifts and love letters from every girl in class! One poor girl put on her christmas list that she wanted him to love her more than the other girls!!!
When did kindergarten girls become so forward!
I said 'Curls get the girls hey' but he quickly corrected me that no it wasn't his curls, you just have to be nice to them mum.
How right he is. Thats my boy. I think he will go very far in life!