Wednesday, August 31, 2011

34 weeks!

Im heading down the home stretch and am winning by a belly! 
Its popped out and down of late.
I cant complain as I am well and feeling quite relaxed. Feeling very tired at night time though but thats not so bad. I have been trying to walk and drink more water, this balances out with the caramel drops I cooked this morning! it is a little dangerous loving to bake when you feel so hungry all the time. 

 And what have I been doing with my time...... sewing of course. We have a friend with a new baby girl and so I made them some little hangers and a very girly blossom bunny. 
How cute are the fluffy ears and it looks like she is wearing a denim skirt!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

An apple a day

HOw cute is this fabric. I got it at the market and it was just perfect for a lunch bag. 
Do you remember I made one a few months back for a friend? She Loved it and apparently it was the talk of her workplace. One of her workmates really wanted one, and after her boyfriend bought her an esky box! I thought I would make her one too!
Secretly I want to keep it as its just too cute. I may need to grab some more of that apple print I think.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Goodbye Winter

What a better way to spend the last weekend of winter, at the beach.
The kids had a great time, catching starfish - they caught 9! - and I enjoyed the sun on my back watching them enjoying themselves.

Poor Kiwi had to work all weekend and missed the sunshine, but it was only the first of the season, so He'll catch up!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Look what I got

We took a little trip out this morning. And I got myself some little pretties.

It was all seamless.... a park out the front of the stairs, an atm at the bottom of the stairs, little people listening to ipods but sticking to me like glue in the crowd, push past the other ladies, both hands straight into the baskets and grabbed what I wanted, got my money out and fled the scene with a big grin and a bag full AND money still in my wallet!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Colour Inspiration

Today was a beautiful warm spring day. Spring is on its way. I am so ready for it. Goodbye to the boots and hello sandals (thank goodness, as I can no longer actually get my boots on and off by myself!)
While I was walking up to school to pick up the kids I was enjoying the sun on my skin and taking in the beautiful colours around me.  I started looking at the gardens along the way and realised the natural colour palettes are really so inspiring and right in front of me! 

Have you stopped to look at the colours, and then stepped back and really looked. Nature is the perfect starting point. The proportions are important too I think.

I have spent alot of time putting fabrics together this week for my orders. It is quite time consuming as I really enjoy it but really think about it for awhile, making sure its right.
I am out to grab some more fabric at the markets this weekend and am feeling inspired for combinations to look for.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Not Fair!

Having food allergies STINKS!
We have lived with it for 7 years now and it doesn't seem to get easier. Well its probably easier but when you have a scare it still shakes me.
I know we are so blessed for all that we have and its just a condition that we can live happy and healthy lives around but I just need to vent that it still STINKS!

I am so proud of my munchkins and the way they deal with it. I am lucky to have great confidence in them and their decisions.... but somedays no matter how hard you try, you get caught by surprise, a new challenge. And its these days I really feel for them...... Luckily, these days are rare and this I am very grateful for.

I cant help but feel guilty that I made them with this, not that it helps any, I shouldn't feel like this but I do. Fingers are crossed for the next one!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Everybody's doing it!!

I have become a pinner and it seems so have many. Its such a great concept, and I guess a natural progression in our technological age. (that makes me sound old!) I have a huge amount of magazine cuttings from way back when I was younger. All unsorted of sorts. I started a visual diary when I was in uni but it always took me so long deciding on the arrangement of things there are more pieces loose in folders than stuck in!
Well Pinterest is a visual diary without the mess! Every time you see a pic you'd like to keep you just pin it. Its great as you can categorize all the pics onto boards to keep like things together - for instance every time I see pics that inspire me for the nursery I add them to a board that I can keep referring back to - Too easy!

Well I love it and think you shold check it out. Its not too time consuming either which I enjoy. It is just always there, something I can pop onto anytime, or pin as I want.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Big number 6

Did I mention how I made a big decision at the beginning of this year. I decided this year, we would not be having birthday parties!! I know major decision! 
I really enjoy every bit about the kids parties. I love thinking about the themes, making the invites, the decorations, the games, the outfits, the food and drink, the cake and of course the pinata. I really do enjoy all of this and spoiling my babies. BUT... I just thought a year off - especially with this pregnancy wouldn't be such a bad thing.
whats 1 year?

Well, we just survived our first birthday without a party! My little master turned the big 6 - Cant believe he is so big. It was a wonderful day - starting a week early with a special package in the mail from Kiwi Nan and Pop. Pretty exciting getting presents delivered to your door

Then we baked cookies for the class and covered them in rich chocolate icing and MnMs

After school we had a special afternoon tea with another family which was quite lively and made my masters afternoon. 
Then a feast of pumpkin soup by special request with Nan and Pop, aunty and uncle and cousins, finished off with an icecream race track cake.

And to top it all off - A spanish Buzz lightyear! Awesome

My daughter, however, is still trying to negotiate any sort of party.... but Im sticking firm and will not budge. But I am excited to do parties again next year. I will be fresh and ready to go.

And I am craving croissants! for a few days now. How long can i hold out?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

orders, YES orders!

Can you believe I have orders! I need to make things for people. customers! They like my sewing, how exciting. Im bursting with excitement.

But I really think my fabric storage needs a makeover! Is this a stalling tactic? or a nesting instinct? or a way of seeing my fabric better and good management!

I need to get cracking - get these orders filled now while my days are still my own.

Monday, August 15, 2011

my fabulous reversible baby bag

Mum and I went fabric shopping the other day... just looking.... but I found something I could not resist and it needed to be turned into something. Its nearly baby time again so It was time for a new bag. 
I did a bit of an internet search and was inspired by Amy Butlers 'Birdie Sling'. It looked like just what I had in mind. I wasn't quite sure where to start though!

Lots of thinking (as usual) and thought I would use the same principles as when I sew the girls library bags just changing the shape and only using a single strap. I got out my big white roll of paper and started sketching. I drafted a pattern and cut it up to then cut out the material, and then of course sat second guessing myself of the material choices! 

I was starting to fade and feeling unclear - woofed down a curry and y energy levels restored and VOILA a bag was created.

I'll let you in on a small secret that I mucked up when I cut out my material and wanted the bottom half to be gathered, but I had to change the plan (in an attempt to Not waste my fabric) and gathered the top band instead. 

The colours are so yummy and fun. Reminds me of the 5 flavours life savers! 

Its completely reversible, though when reversed the pockets will be on the outside... not a big deal... but I love that it CAN be reversed!
 And it fits my all important change mat with room for bibs, hand cream, wallet and phone (and even a snack for hungry mums!) And another feature I'm pleased with is the fact I can wear it over and under my arm to counter wait the balance of baby in the pouch on the front, so Im not weighed down on one shoulder while walking... fancy!

I'm quite proud of my effort and cant wait to take it out!

Check out the bump wearing the bag! he he :)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Quick makes

I am really enjoying being back in front of the machine and have been quite productive lately. I think the bit of knitting I did was a good change but has made me apreciate my sewing again, and resparked my enthusiasm. 
I finished the cot quilt (you can see it in the corner of the cot) and I really liked the sweet material I used for the back I was inspired to make a hanging toy. Just something simple to hang across the pram or cot. Good for kicking with feet, and tingles as I placed bells in a couple of them.

Too cute hey

I also knocked up a little fabric cover for my baking. Thought it would look nice in a ceramic dish or basket. I only had a metre of the frill so its alot smaller than is what I would have liked (noted for next time!) but its sweet, was quick and totally enhanced my scones that we had for afternoon tea.

Next one will be twice the size so I can cover the delights (which was my original plan)

Friday, August 12, 2011

a carry purse for my princess

My girl needs to carry her medicines with her at all times. For so long we have had them in a plastic carry case where the zip top keeps busting. Not sure what took me so long, but I suddenly realised 'why didn't I make her a special pouch to carry that is cute AND useful!' Cant believe it has taken me this long! So I quickly picked some cute fabrics from the stash and asked her what she thought .

I was quite pleased with the outcome and it took me less than an hour to make - while the master was at rugby training actually!! 
Now my little princess can carry her medicines in style.

Im even thinking of posting this little make as a tutorial as it really is a quick sew and can be so sweet. I am currently trying to work out how to make a sling bag with some lovely material I just picked up and was thinking of making a little bag to match inside, so I will try and take pics along the way and post it...... will be my first so bear with me!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Secret boys business

The kids are fascinated with the spy theme at the moment. They love the movie series Spy Kids and everynight we read a chapter of Zac powers. I think when I was little I went through a spy phase too. Cant blame them, seems so mysterious and exciting.

This led to a great idea by my sister. To use the idea of a crayon roll but tweak it to be a spy kit. 
So putting our heads together, we got some things to put in it and I worked a little sewing magic to create a gift for her boy to give as a gift at a party.

It contains all the spy essentials: magnifying glass, notepad and pen, flashlight, compass and a double sided secret code/decoder

Then it wraps up all in a compact roll, ready to take with you on your next mission!