Monday, February 28, 2011

Step outdoors

I love seeing my baby perform. Singing and dancing and big smiles, so much fun.
All the practising around the house paid off with such an enthusiastic performance
and the ending was split-a-licious!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sorry its been so long, we have been sick - yuck.
And I know we have been sick, not because of the medicines, the coughs, the xrays or the physio visits. Not because of the blood tests or the green noses or the used tissue trails. It is when the receptionist at the Doctors smiles and greets you by first name without you saying a thing!!!

So things have been slow around here, but I did manage to make a little lap quilt for a friend expecting,

Simple straight design, but cute and unisex.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

first and free

Last night I stayed up way too late but I started my First patchwork quilt.
I have been wanting to break out and try one and was going to start with a pack of charm squares. But while I was waiting for their delivery I gave it a go with my own squares!
The fairy material was my starting point, I laid out the backing material and started to place the fairy squares. I then placed other material to fill the spaces. Its really pretty and I am really pleased with the look and layout.

Then this morning I got the courage to attempt FREE motion quilting. With the help of a few online tutorials, I lowered the dogfeeds and off I went.
It is tricky and tiresome and no where near perfect, but its a start and doesn't look too bad for a first attempt.
Its definately something to practise and next time I think I will chalk some designs before starting to give me more direction and consistency.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

for a moment

Schedules, routines and appointments.... the year is off and running and holidays are so long ago! We are all tired as we get back into it and I got the kids to sleep right on bed time tonite (and I dont think I am far away from bed either!) and I thought I might just take a moment to smell the roses. 
But since we dont have any blooms at the moment I decided to look at fabric online and make a little purchase!!!! and YES it was relaxing.

Cant wait for it to arrive!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Progress on our little project

Poor Miss S has been quite unwell. Yes, Yes, I know I gave her a hard time about sick bay on the first two days of school but it turns out she is actually unwell! Bad mother OR classic Boy cried wolf??

Doctors orders - No school for a couple of days.
This means lots of time for our little project - well it seemed at the time, but the days have gone very fast. none the less we have made good progress - I would say half way..maybe

Miss S has been lots of fun and is desperate for it just to be finished and I am of course trying to be a creative genius! So we met half way! The finish is not as sleek as desired but the results are making my girl smile which is the best end result.

In the process of being creative I have been going through my bag of scraps for bits here and there on the project and came across a few strips that seemed to work really nicely together.
I decided to sew them together and I am thinking of putting them on a little singlet top or something. 
Any ideas?
I love sewing!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blue for Boys

I'm meeting my friend for a coffee catchup and she is expecting a little boy any moment. 
SO... of course I thought I would whip up a little something for him. Its cot size (I hope!) with a thin blue fleece backing. And the hint of red just finishes it, dont you think.
On sunday I decided I would make it... I grabbed the backing to start - cut a size and then grabbed material and just used what I had. No pattern, just belief! 

As I started it was coming together nicely. Quite quickly too. I had a thought to give free motion quilting a go. I was feeling very brave. I lowered the dog feeds and pressed the pedal...... it did  not go well!
I unpicked it and quickly reverted to plan A - straight lines
My machine was going going going and more the next day. The quick pieceing together was soon overtaken by the quilting, but I was alot quicker than last time and really enjoyed it.
Hope she loves it

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Our first harvest

Our very own crop of carrots! 
It was so much fun pulling them out all together. Not bad sizes either. 
We have not had as much success with the zuccinis and cucumbers but you need to start somewhere.
We have pulled Lots of tomatoes though and they were delish.
Cant wait to plant more.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

First week at school

The school year has started again. 
An exciting year this year with Miss S in year 2 (so grown up) 
and my 'baby' starting kindergarten.
And this week my weekly goal has been to get to school on time! I have a new rule that we stop everything at 8am and get dressed and it actually seems to be working - so far

First Day was very exciting, finding out what class we are in and who is the teacher (well I was excited!) 
and They both have lovely teachers which I am very pleased about. But Miss S was alittle out of sorts to find out her besties were in the class next door!! So in true Miss S style she went straight to sick bay and was officially the first child in sick bay and home for 2011!!

Master C however was straight into the blocks and was very happy with his class, lasting all day.

Gratefully we woke up the next morning all smiles and dressed ready to try again.
Though this time it was me that was sad! I was at home - ALONE! It felt somewhat naughty to be just able to do whatever I so wanted. A strange feeling. But I got used to it and nearly forgot about the early pickup for the first two weeks!!

So all is going smoothly. And my little man has come home two days in a row with a sticker on each lapel of his collar - one being a scratch and sniff la de da - and they were for good listening and raising  his hand to answer a question - Thats my boy

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I let the kids have the camera.....
These are some of the amazing poses they produced all together

Strike a pose

Just too cute!

and kept them busy for ages

How funny are some of the faces

Im a little sad school holidays are over as we had so much fun together. The excitement over school today though is a great feeling. And what surprises and fun the year will bring is a fabulous start to the day.
Hope you have a great day today too x